Friday, October 8, 2010

The Root Of All In/Decision

So at this point, you may be wondering, how exactly did I get here? What happened? Isn't this counterproductive?
And I have the answers to all of those questions. Except maybe the last one :D

So, come round a sunny Boulder afternoon in May, I walked through the door of our house, expecting to eat dinner, finish my homework at record speeds and surf the net until my eyes turned red, like any other day. But that day, you can imagine, was quite special, because why else would I bore you with these details?

After that rather long process of thinking of my very busy and demanding schedule, I was sat down by my parents who looked like they were trying to hold something in so bad, that their heads might implode.

Greeted by my look of confusion, they got to the point, as they usually do.

"Do you think Boulder's really the place for us?" Blurted my father, who looked like a kid hyped up on Halloween candy.

Panic set in, 'do I like it here?' 'do I want to leave?' 'what are you afraid of?' 'weren't you the one who brought this up a few months ago?' 'where are we going?'
As you can see, it didn't take too many degrees of separation from "what?!?" to "where to!!" As I was always ready for change and something new. Although this shouldn't be confused with a short attention span, I mean, I am writing a pretty long blog pos- ooh! loook! a squirrel!

Where was I? Oh yes, indeed. You can imagine my parents were relieved that I had no problem with it, and it was probably rather confusing that I was jumping for joy. But all in all, a successful day.

The rest of May passed by excruciatingly slowly, even though I tried to pass the time with zombie pranks and trying to convince my friend to streak through the school with me.

As the end of school came about, we packed up our caboose and headed for Canada, where we intended to live. Well as you've probably logically deduced by now, we're a long way from Canada. So what happened in between? A plan to go on a "summer vacation" to the old country.

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